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Paul Menta
Jul 16, 2024
In Instruction and videos
We’ve all been out riding having that session and all of a sudden you feel like you’re slowing down or there’s some vibration on your front wing. Sure enough there’s some grass or some weed caught on the wing tips. I found some really simple ways that you can practice to get that off without having to stop even if you’re not wearing Foot straps. Practicing the small little hops by putting a little bit more rear foot pressure popping the board up just so the foil breaches and shake off the weed and as you come down to land, put a little bit more pressure on your front foot land flat so the hits the water, immediately put pressure on your rear foot give your wing a few pumps to start planting back up and go back to riding. The other good way is to start to practice your carves. I am riding the Cabrinha 1050 with a 6 m mantis wing and you be shocked with these higher aspect wings how forgiving they are and when you make an aggressive carve to your left or to your right wing tip will actually come out of the water of your front foil and a lot of times shake some of that weed off as well. No matter what you do get out there and have some fun and remember pay attention, even when you’re filming and thinking everything‘s perfect is the time you fall and go for a snorkel! Getting weed off foil while wing foiling cabrinha 72L Code
Getting weed of the front foil content media
Paul Menta
Jun 01, 2024
In Instruction and videos
We all crash, It’s just a part of the sport. A lot of people been asking what is the easiest way when your wing is upside down to get it to flip back up. After you get yourself settled you can even use the board to float on if you need to stabilize yourself, work your way to the very edge of the wing. Now you’ll want to use the wind to Your advantage. So make sure you let yourself drift down wind a little bit and then grab your wingtip with both hands and slowly start to bring it over and as you feel the wing in the wind, it will assist you flipping it back over. Hope this helps. TIP- let the wing face downwind so leading edge handle if facing you, will make the leverage on the wing tip much easier to flip over. Flipping your Wing back over after a crash from upside down
Flipping your wing back over after a crash content media
Paul Menta
Dec 19, 2023
In Wing Foiling Schools
Paula is amazing and I highly recommend her for beginners and intermediate's or just to go session Book here
Miami Florida Wing Foiling lessons  content media
Paul Menta
Dec 13, 2023
In Discussion on Wing Foiling
I got to ride the new Swift 85 liter light wind board and was shocked how it pumped so easy, got up on foil fast and turns great. For light wind with the 1300 mk11 front foil light wind will be at a new level. I rode the 100 liter on a 4 meter mantis 850 front foil with it blowing 17 ( I am 190lbs) and was overpowered and switched to 85 liter and 3.5 mantis and was still powered up a lot. The board being shorter than downwind boards makes it buoyant , nose doesn’t stuff and another guy rode the set up and he is 205lbs. The surprise was later( no video) this board rips in the waves! Light wind option, smaller length and waves…game changer! More to come in the waves and light wind. Specs in thumbnail photo. The new Mantis handles both leading edge and strut are shaped for great hand position and more angled grip. Low end power, and stable when you put it behind you as the front handle is now solid. More to come!
New Cabrinha Swift Wing foil board preview content media
Paul Menta
Dec 02, 2023
Drone Wing Foiling in waves at Vela Cabarete on Cabrinha content media
Paul Menta
Dec 02, 2023
In Discussion on Wing Foiling
Tow in foiling Pacasmayo Peru content media
Paul Menta
Jun 26, 2023
In Discussion on Wing Foiling
If you are sitting around in Florida with no wind like i have or somewhere else ,treat yourself to a trip to the D.R. Buy a flight ticket and wing the same day, rooms and food are quality but so afforadble at Dulce Vida apartments and Vela ( they have a great restaurant as well onsite)You will spend more money staying in Florida , plus the wind will wear you out! Hope to see ya there over the next few months! Any questions just ask, will tell you what and where!
Summer wind in Cabarete Dominican Republic, let’s go! content media
Paul Menta
Jun 03, 2023
In Instruction and videos
Wanted to ride the new #cabrinhawings H Series Mkll but had no wind. The boat provided some fun. Things noted: Rode my 60L Cabrinha Code Very smooth and fast Good pumping Found different ways to pump the board and mast settings, this a great idea to practice pumping before you start dock or beach starts. Want to really get used to your board and focus on pumping, get behind any boat or ski. This will make your skills much better when you wing as well! Any ride is better than no ride! #cabrinhakites
Get behind the boat and learn to pump and ride better! content media
Paul Menta
Apr 10, 2023
Wing Foiling in Florida weed aka sargasam. content media
Paul Menta
Feb 27, 2023
Wing Foiling beginning shore break getting in and out content media
Paul Menta
Nov 06, 2022
In Instruction and videos
Lots of questions on how to drag with your wing to get a board back, drag to shallows, go upwind on your knees and more. Having a plan in your head helps when you actually need to do it!
Paul Menta
Nov 05, 2022
In Discussion on Wing Foiling
I wanted to share my opinion on the Cabrinha MKII after spending over 80 hours riding them. I feel this will be of help to people when choosing a foiling for specific condtions and takes you through my experience with these foils as compared to the Cabrinha H- series as well. Sorry video is 16 minutes but wanted to get all information in. Paul
Paul Menta
Oct 18, 2022
In Discussion on Wing Foiling
Fall is upon us and wing foiling season is on! Took a ride to Ft Pierce for an early cold front and caught the Dakine demo. Wind was not showing up and after a 5 hour drive from Key West we were not giving up! Gwen from Cabrinha was there and was teaching us beach starts on a foil and pumping until I saw some clouds roll in and it was on. Started out on my 6 meter Cabrinha Mantis and 75l board with the new MkII 1240 and was enjoying some waves for 3 hour session. Was a blast to ride with everyone and waves showed up mid tide. Rode a prototype as well, new handles, well balanced and lite feeling in you hands. Finished up and drove down south heading home and Hit Virginia Key next day. Wind was up early and rode a few hours on the outside in the waist high waves, you can tell they get bigger wind swell when the big north winds punch through. Great spot and really cool crowd there. Saw lots of beginners and advanced. Everyone was having a good time. see ya out there somewhere in Florida ! Paul
Wing Foiling season is starting in Florida content media
Paul Menta
Oct 18, 2022
In Spots to Wing Foil & Travel
Virginia Key is located in Key Biscayne and is a great spot for wing foiling. long area for parking, great grassy area for setting up gear, easy beach access, walking in with gear and gets waist to chest deep fast. Small jetty’s on the beach that are easy to avoid . Inside flat to chop, outside sandbars waves from wind swell which are a lot of fun and plenty of room. The crowd there is very chill and really nice. It’s a great scene for beginner and advanced. You pay to get in the park, but worth it. Great on any north winds and east.
Virginia Key Miami  content media
Paul Menta
Sep 07, 2022
In Instruction and videos
There is a lot of talk about getting up on foil and riding in light winds. I wanted to put something together so you can see a technique i use that works for me and people i am teaching. the sport is new and booming. This is not the best edited video i know, but you will get the point. look soon for my "10 Steps to Wing Foiling" coming soon. Just like when i started kiteboarding in 1990's i am gathering data to make a efficient way to teach and learn. Enjoy!
Pumping for beginners and light wind wing foiling riders content media
Paul Menta
Aug 26, 2022
In Discussion on Wing Foiling
We get some lucky days when storms are around but key west doesn’t start getting any wind till bout end of September. It’s lasts through June for wing foiling. South winds bring seaweed which makes you up your riding skills, it’s good practice. Lots of testing foils and wing techniques to get up in very light wind but a good work out. If you find yourself in key west this fall or winter and need a board to use, let me know. We can work out a rum trade!
Paul Menta
Jun 03, 2022
In Discussion on Wing Foiling
Yeah we'll just being honest
Wing foiling, want I think I look like when I high winds and waves content media
Paul Menta
May 22, 2022
In Discussion on Wing Foiling
Well, the summer winds came blowing in! With the south winds brings lots of weed. When we have 19-21 mph out of the south it’s equal to 15- 17 mph out north. South looses wind density so there is no as much punch with all that humid sticky air. Did a downwind, upwind session to find some small wind swell for about 2.5 hours. Can’t count the amount of times I ate shit hitting weed. Then I figured out when the weed is up top on surface I come off foil so 3/4 of my mast is under water. That way when weed hits it as it slides down the mast it comes off from the movement. When the mast is too far out of the water, the hits the mast and then pins it self on my front foil wing. if I seed the weed low I go high…lol anyway this made my return way back upwind a lot easier and possible. So if the wind density is low and there is weed, any adjustments like this help your session! I imagine I am the only one in the Florida Keys who references weed in a bad way! Will go again tomorrow, what will I learn by mistake then? #wingfoiling #wingboarding
Plenty of weed in Key West!  content media
Paul Menta
May 17, 2022
In Instruction and videos
some great looks at different techniques on wing foiling tricks.
Tricks, 360, 720 on wings content media

Paul Menta

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