Fall is upon us and wing foiling season is on! Took a ride to Ft Pierce for an early cold front and caught the Dakine demo. Wind was not showing up and after a 5 hour drive from Key West we were not giving up! Gwen from Cabrinha was there and was teaching us beach starts on a foil and pumping until I saw some clouds roll in and it was on. Started out on my 6 meter Cabrinha Mantis and 75l board with the new MkII 1240 and was enjoying some waves for 3 hour session. Was a blast to ride with everyone and waves showed up mid tide. Rode a prototype as well, new handles, well balanced and lite feeling in you hands.
Finished up and drove down south heading home and Hit Virginia Key next day. Wind was up early and rode a few hours on the outside in the waist high waves, you can tell they get bigger wind swell when the big north winds punch through. Great spot and really cool crowd there. Saw lots of beginners and advanced. Everyone was having a good time. see ya out there somewhere in Florida !